Why else would you be living at this moment if not to be living your best life? Do you think you are alive to worry, complain, compare, or be unhappy? Compared to infinity, you only have a short time to make your mark and be the unique person you are. So, as of right now, stop what you are doing, and take a good look at how you live your life.

Do you love what you do? Do you love who you are with? Are you using your talents? Are you kind? Do you know you have the power of the Universe and don’t have to figure everything out on your own? Are you taking care of everyone else and forgetting to love yourself too?

About two years ago, I decided that it was time to start living my best life. I started writing and sharing all the knowledge I had been learning since my mom, Marvel, passed away in 2002. Her death put me on a path of self-improvement and learning more about God and the higher power within all of us. I decided that I would use my time in this life to do what makes me happy.

While I was learning, I discovered 5 key steps that can lead you to live your best life. They are the 5 L’s of Living Marvelously. Let go, love, live, learn, and leap!

living your best life

The 5 L’s of Living Marvelously

Let Go

Let go of all of the things that block you from living your best life: judgment, comparisons, limiting beliefs, your past, fears, and the details of your future. Once you let go, you can dive in and discover what living your best life means.

You are your own worst enemy. It is the thoughts that you allow yourself to have that block you from living your best life. You question, feel guilty, compare, get scared, and believe that you are not worthy of having everything you want.

That needs to stop. And that needs to stop before you can be open to all of the possibilities for your life. All that stuff is just taking up room in your mind, body, and soul that could be filled with all the things you love. So, you can’t get to loving or living without letting all of this crap go! The more you let go, the more you become a match for what you desire.

Related Posts: 7 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back, Face Your Fears


I put all of this information plus a whole lot more in my book, The 5 Ls of Living Marvelously. You can get the eBook or Paperback versions on Amazon!





Love yourself and others. This cannot be emphasized enough! When you bring love to any situation, it can only bring more love back to you!

Love yourself, others, what you do, and how you live your life. When you feel love, you can’t feel anything else at that moment.

Everyone’s definition of love will be different. You will feel love towards things that others don’t. But again, that is the beauty of having 7 billion unique individuals on this planet. We are all different and can only love what makes each of us feel good.

Reach out and bring more love and peace to this world. When you help others, it emphasizes your own life and makes you more grateful and appreciative of what you have. And when you love yourself and love others, you attract more love back to you. Bringing it full circle.

Related Posts: Love Yourself First, Notice Acts of Kindness


Live your life. Show up in the world, get out of the house, and get off the couch. Don’t waste precious time; take action now!

“Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.” ~ Pope Paul VI

Why are we really here having this experience of life? What is it all for? Does anything really matter? Those are really great questions. And how can the answer be anything else but to live it? Love what you do, take risks, dream big, and find joy in every moment. Your only job is to live your life being you.

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You can never stop learning. Whatever your passion is, there is something on the Internet that can teach you how to do it better, whether it’s a specific skill to learn or motivation to start. Know the signs that the Universe is on your side and always available to help along the way.

So many resources are available to you to know how to do just about anything you want. There is really no excuse not to go after your big dreams. So, while you are discovering how you want to live your life, you might come across something you want to know more about or realize that you need to gain a new skill.

So how can you incorporate more learning into your life? Reading, learning from a teacher, and researching are the most common ways. But how about learning in a few unconventional ways? Trying new things or listening for guidance from the universe. Just be sure to pay attention to how much time you spend on learning and not getting out there and living.

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Be curious, play, and leap into your life, going after what brings you joy.

“To live the life of your dreams, you need to find what makes you happy and love with all of your heart.” Laurie Jonas

I believe that a higher power connects us all and lives inside each one of us. It’s our responsibility to live the life we want to live, and we know we have the power to do that.

I believe that you came into this world knowing what your life would entail and when you would leave again. Loving what you do and loving who you are with makes life so much easier because that is why you are here. That is part of the plan.

Lean into what makes you happy and stop stressing over what doesn’t. People, circumstances, and struggles were put in your path because that is what you signed up for when you were born. All of our lives are meant to be learning experiences and teaching points for others. Each event is a step into how your life is meant to unfold.

I believe that the chaos of life is organized. What is happening in your life right now will make a difference in what happens later. That is what I believe, but I’m not here to convince you to believe it too. You should come up with your own beliefs that align with your dreams. But no matter what you believe, make sure it makes you happy and brings joy to your life.

Related Posts: What is Curiosity, Make a Point to Play

My mom Marvel was a beautiful person. She taught me to be kind and loving to everyone, have fun, and have faith. But she also taught me that life is short, and we should not let it go without doing what makes us happy and living our dreams.

My dream is to share what I learn to help others live their best life too. What is yours?

Cheers to living your best life marvelously!

All this information was taken from the book I wrote, “The 5 L’s of Living Marvelously.”

Each step in the book is accompanied by tips, lists, exercises, quotes, and journal prompts to help you discover your best life.

Don’t stop now and forget all of this tomorrow; learn more and dive deeper into these five steps by clicking below!