Whether it is the new year, your birthday, a new school year, or any other time you feel like you need a fresh start, you probably start to think about everything you want to change. All of the ways you can make your life better. All of the things that aren’t working in your life, and you set goals to find success. But what if you started loving who you are right now? Appreciating all of the things that are going right in your life. Living in the moment instead of continually striving for something better.

For many years, I have set goals to lose weight, make more money, exercise more, eat better, etc. You know the usual goals that you think you have to make to fit in or please others. When you have to set the same goals year after year, you have to wonder if that is really what you want.

It’s time to take a step back from the future and learn to love who you are right now.

Reflect on Your Journey:

In midlife, women often face challenges regarding self-image and societal expectations. But if you set those aside and remember all of the times that you have been happy in life, did some of the things you worry about really matter? Do you think anyone else really cares how much money you make or how much you weigh when you smile at them and make them happy?

Rediscover Inner Strength:

Midlife is a period of rediscovery, a chance to reconnect with our inner strength. Think back to times in your life when you have overcome obstacles. Reflect on the strength you exhibited during those times. Remembering how strong you have been can help you remember how strong you are now. If you have gotten yourself through tough times before, you can do it again.

Letting Go of Unrealistic Expectations:

Let’s address the societal pressures and unrealistic expectations that weigh heavily on women in midlife. It’s time to release the need for perfection and embrace your authentic self. Remembering the phrase “you want the things you don’t have” is important. When you compare yourself to someone else, you think you need to change to be like them. But if you could ask that other person if they are happy, they would probably tell you something they don’t like about themselves.

Everyone is supposed to be different, and there is no one perfect way to be.

Love who you are right now because that is who you are supposed to be.


love yourself now


Celebrating Achievements:

No matter how small, every achievement deserves celebration. Take a moment to bask in the glow of your accomplishments and remember how you feel. You achieved your success today exactly as you are. You didn’t need to change. Write your achievements down and look back on them often. The small victories add up to big victories!

Cultivating Self-Love Practices:

  • Start your journey of self-discovery with mindfulness exercises that ground you in the present moment.
  • Embrace positive affirmations that nurture your soul and uplift your spirits.
  • Set boundaries for things you will no longer tolerate in your life.
  • Practice gratitude. Remember and appreciate all that you have right now.
  • Forgive and release yourself from negative emotions that linger.
  • Read this post for more: Ways to Practice Self Love: Simple Techniques for a Happier You


When you start loving yourself as you are right now, things will start changing for the better. You are in a positive state of mind and sending a high-frequency vibration into the universe, which can only attract high-frequency vibrations back to you. Feeling good and loving yourself attracts more opportunities to feel good and love yourself.

On the contrary, when you consistently think you need to change, you send that energy out, and you will get that same energy back. Telling yourself you are not good enough will tell the universe that this is what you want. Remember, the universe does not judge; it brings you what you ask for.

I choose to feel good now, live a marvelous, joyful life, and pay attention to what other beautiful things come my way.

Are you ready to change your perspective and love who you are right now?