This time of year in Minnesota is a huge transition from cold and snow to warmer weather and ice-free sidewalks.  It takes a while to get there though, especially this year with the record amounts of snow that fell.  Right now it is a big mud pile everywhere and lots of water.  So, while we are still waiting for warm air and green grass, here are a few things we can do to prepare for warmer weather.

Clean out closets

Rotate your clothes in your bedroom closet.  Take everything out of your closet, put all of your bulky sweaters and anything wool and store away until next winter.  Take your lighter clothing out of storage and make sure they are clean and fresh.

Go through your closet or storage area by your front door and start to put away the scarves, hats, mittens, snow pants, snow boots, and heavy coats.  Make sure you don’t put them in a hard to get to place just in case we get that one last snowstorm in April:/

This may also be a good time to dry clean coats and sweaters before you put them away so they are ready to go in 9 months.

Clean up the yard

As the snow melts, we find everything that got buried from last fall, including the dog’s poop.  Take a little time each day to pick it up, so it is not such a big job later.  Clean your gutters and downspout.  Take a look around and see what needs to be fixed.  Anything that may have gotten hit or damaged by the snowplow, potholes in the driveway, retaining walls, etc.  Call around to contractors now before their schedules are full.

Clean your patio furniture

Get it ready to put out on the patio or deck.  Does it need to be painted?  Do you need new cushions?

Wash your windows

On a nice day, get out the ladder and your partner or another family member to help and let the sunshine through your windows!

Here is what Martha Stewart uses.

Martha uses a squeegee and a homemade cleaning solution of water and powdered dishwasher soap to clean her windows. You can also make an all-natural window cleaning solution using a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and hot water. Adding a touch of liquid soap to the vinegar solution will help remove any streak-causing wax left on the window from commercial cleaners used in the past. You can eliminate the soap after a few washings. For more of the article, read here.

warmer weather

Spring maintenance inside your home

Check your HVAC filters.  Does your air conditioner work?  Make sure your carbon monoxide and fire detectors are working.

Related Post: Spring Clear Your Negative Energy

Revitalize your exercise routine

Now that the roads and sidewalks are clear, get back to a routine of walking, running, or bike riding.  Look on your hometown’s website to see if they have any walking paths you can try.  Add a new playlist to your phone with some of the new music from this year to keep you motivated or download a new audiobook.

Find new recipes

Look for new, lighter recipes to make once the temperature gets a little warmer.  I have some on my Pinterest page, or you could google summer recipes and lots of ideas will pop up.

This might be a good time to check out your grill too.  Is it ready for grilling?

Do you have a garden?  Start planning what you will plant this year to add to your lighter meals.

Do some summer planning

Plan what you will do for Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day.  Do you need to make reservations anywhere?

Maybe this is the year for a family reunion, get a date on the calendar!

Look ahead for summer concerts, movies, or other events.

Watch nature bloom

Be sure to take some time and listen to the birds sing, notice the new buds on the trees and watch the flowers bloom.  As the earth is renewing itself, maybe we can take some time to renew our thoughts, goals, and dreams.  Take some time with your journal or do some meditation outside!

Let’s make use of this awkward time while we are waiting for warmer weather and be prepared to enjoy it.  Here in Minnesota, our summers are way too short.  We need to be ready to enjoy every moment of them.

Spring breathes new life into the world around us!

What do you do to prepare for warmer weather?

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