I remember days when my kids were still at home, and I would find a rare moment when I was all by myself. Thoughts would enter my mind that I needed to be doing something, anything, because there was no way I could do nothing. What would people say? Have you ever had a moment like that? Why do you feel so guilty about taking time for yourself? Are you ready to let that go?

And who are those people that you are worried about? There is no “busy police.” No one can see if you are taking a few minutes to relax. And truthfully, no one really cares. They would probably be jealous that you did what made you happy.

With all of the modern conveniences, we have today, there should be more time to do self-care. I, for one, am very grateful I do not have to grow all of my food, sew all of my clothes or walk miles to get fresh water.

You live in an era where there is room for self-reflection and choices of how you spend your time. And who deserves that time more than yourself? The other people you think you have to take care of (besides young children) can only benefit from you taking time for yourself.

Benefits of Taking Time for Yourself

  • It models healthy behavior to your family and friends.
  • You will feel less stress on your body when you give it time to relax.
  • Your thoughts will slow down, and you will open up space for guidance from your higher spirit.
  • It will replenish your energy for when you are busy.
  • You will be less likely to overreact to triggers from your partner, family, or friends.
  • It can increase your creative powers because you are giving some space for that to happen.
  • It heightens your emotional intelligence by giving you time to be aware of your feelings and emotions.

I talked to a friend the other day, and she said she was having a hard time finishing my book because she felt guilty sitting down and reading. That made me sad. Not only because she is exactly who needs to read my book, but because she didn’t feel worthy of doing something for herself.

It’s time to spend less time on guilt and more time on loving yourself and others. But you “can’t pour from an empty cup.” So, taking time for yourself has to come first. Then you will be in a better place to help others.

Taking time for yourself poem

How to Take Time for Yourself

This doesn’t have to be difficult. You are probably doing it already and not labeling it as such. Taking time for yourself can be doing simple things like:

  • Exercising
  • Prioritizing Sleep
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Cooking healthy food or eating well
  • Taking a short stroll with your dog
  • Paying attention to your breath

You can also make it more official by putting it in your schedule.

  • Go to bed 30 minutes before your partner to read.
  • Make a monthly appointment for your hair, nails, massage, or spa time.
  • Leave work on time and spend a half-hour on your own at a coffee shop or park writing or reading.
  • Take a course on something you have always wanted to learn and schedule in time to do it.
  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier to go through your morning routine of meditating, journaling, setting intentions, or reading.
  • Claim part of the weekend to do whatever you want to do. This gives your family the same time, and they may appreciate that.

Whatever you decide to do, be sure to set some boundaries and not allow other people to take that time away from you. Eventually, they will see the benefits of giving you that time.

take time for yourself poem

I found a couple of poems that also portray this message. Everyone needs to hear it in their own way to finally make it a priority. My wish is for you to lose the guilt of taking time for yourself and spending your life doing what brings you joy.

How do you make time for yourself and what benefits do you see?

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