I am an inquisitive person. Always asking questions because I want to know more about people and what makes them tick. I also want to know why things are happening or why someone said what they said. I believe the benefits of my curiosity make me a better person.

My husband gets the brunt of my questions. We can turn on the TV and start watching a show simultaneously, and then I’ll ask him a question about what’s going on. He turns to me and says, “I started watching this the same time as you.” We will be listening to the radio, and the subject will be about a certain athlete or politician, and I immediately ask what they did or what is going on. He often tells me, “You sure ask a lot of questions!”

I wonder if I was that kid who always asked: “why?”

Curiosity comes easy for me.

The definition of curiosity is “a strong desire to know or learn something.”

It’s part of why I started blogging. I want to learn so much, and instead of keeping it to myself, I thought I would share it with you. Whether you want to read it or not:)

My main curiosity is about life and what makes people do what they do. What holds them back, and what makes them successful.

I love to read and do research. Keep diving deeper into subjects.

What are you curious about? Do you let yourself be inquisitive and expand your knowledge?

I hope so. There are many benefits of curiosity that encourage a happier life.

Benefits of Curiosity


Being curious is associated with higher levels of positive emotions and more satisfaction with life. Cultivating curiosity and remaining open to new experiences increases our likelihood of encountering surprising and satisfying activities. You will never know what brings you happiness unless you try new things.


Being curious means, you have to learn something you don’t already know, which translates to more knowledge! You will also have more knowledge about current events, which makes you more able to engage in fun and interesting conversations with friends and coworkers.


Being curious about people whose lives and experiences differ from your own brings more understanding.

I was curious last night and went to listen to a speaker. He told the story of his life using drugs, alcohol, dealing, and hanging with some pretty tough crowds. He was saved in a couple of ways, but one way was that someone reached out and asked him what his relationship with God was. That moment of curiosity and then further guidance helped the speaker turn his life around, and he is now a pastor. I’m sure he is one story of millions you could better understand.

Strengthen Relationships

Showing real interest and concern for your family and friends can create a stronger bond. Taking an interest in their ideas and beliefs instead of disregarding or arguing.

Expands Your World

Trying new things, traveling, reading all different types of books helps you see the big world that is out there. It also keeps your brain active and alert. This is something I write a lot about. Making the most of this life by getting out there and experiencing it.

Clarify Your Goals and Thoughts

Keep questioning why things are working or not working. Don’t settle; keep pursuing your passion. Be curious about what else you can do or how you can achieve your goals.

You Don’t Have to Know Everything

When you are curious, you will seek the answers. You don’t have to know it all right now.

Have More Fun

Being curious means, you will play more. You will find more variety and excitement in your life. It will be hard to be bored.

Everything that exists today had to start from curiosity. Asking the questions, “What if we tried this?, What if we could do that? How would this work?, Wouldn’t it be cool if this happened, etc.

There are infinite possibilities for every situation in life. The benefits of your curiosity can help you discover more of them.

Here are a few quotes to keep the curiosity flowing

“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why.” Bernard Baruch

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney

“I have no special talent, and I am only passionately curious.” Albert Einstein

“Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.”  Bryant H. McGill

“Be curious, not judgmental.” Walt Whitman

“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.” – Marie Curie

I think, at a child’s birth if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

(For more quotes, visit Saying Images.)

What does curiosity look like in your life? Where can you be more curious?

I hope someone tells you, “You sure ask a lot of questions!”

And if they do, I’d be happy to answer them! Let me know by email or in the comments below if you are curious about something I can research and share.

If you are curious about how you can live marvelously, read my book The 5 Ls of Living Marvelously. An interactive guide to discover how to let go, love, live, learn and leap into a life you love.