September 13th is Positive Thinking Day. I am a big fan of positive thinking, and I love to share how having a positive mindset can change the way you see life. Just by tweaking a few thoughts, you can change your outlook and your everyday emotions. But you can’t always be thinking positively. Negative thoughts will always come up. Instead of judging yourself or feeling worse because of it, learn what to do with negative thoughts. It might surprise you how beneficial they can be.

What if you walked around being positive all of the time? Would that feel authentic to you?

I’m guessing the answer is no, for an excellent reason. YOU ARE HUMAN. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Allow yourself to be human.

The trick is what you do with those negative thoughts.


What To Do With Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts help you see what you want.

The key is in awareness. How often are you saying them, and can you catch yourself. Allow them in, find their purpose, then let them go. Here’s an example.

You are scrolling through social media, and you see a friend of yours posting beautiful pictures of how much fun they had on a trip last week. As a spiritual being, your first reaction is how happy you are for your friend. But then the negativity comes in. “I don’t have enough money to take a vacation like that.” “Why can’t  I be that happy?” “I need to find a partner to travel with.” “I’m such a loser, I don’t do anything.”

Instead of wallowing in your self-pity, notice your thoughts and decide why you have them. Is one of your goals to take a vacation like that? Can I be happy without taking a vacation like that? Do I have to have a partner to take a vacation? Do I really not do anything?

Depending on your answers, either make a plan to figure out how to take a vacation or enjoy the beautiful pictures and be happy for your friend. Those negative thoughts showed you what you really want. Use them as motivation. Find clarity around what those thoughts are telling you and set goals for yourself.

“When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them.” Allan Lokos

Negative thoughts are normal.

Don’t allow them to define you. Your mind is a tool that is separate from your body and soul. You can change the thoughts you think in an instant.

When you suppress your thoughts and feelings, you put a strain on your body. Acknowledge them as a normal part of life instead of judging them and beating yourself up about having negative thoughts. Keeping them inside will only make them come back a while later; either in an elevated, stronger way or in the form of some illness.

Thank them for showing you a different path, then send them on their way.

You can also question those thoughts as if someone else said them to you. Is it true? Do you have to accept them? What can you do to change your mind?

“The longer you stay in what is not for you, you postpone what is.”

Negative thoughts and emotions help us evaluate life’s experiences.

When you are experiencing negative emotions, that usually means something is not going the way you want it to in your life.

“Where positive emotions signal that all is well in our immediate environment, negative emotions alert us that there are challenges or new stimuli that require our more focused attention (Forgas, 2014).”  Positive Psychology

Sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, or jealousy are all emotions that can tell you that something is not right. Signals that you might need to look at what is causing these emotions and what you can do to fix it. Again, it’s separating your thoughts from who you really are. If sadness is where you need to be right now, that’s fine, but don’t let sadness define you.

Negative thoughts are a natural part of who you are. It’s how you respond to them that is important.

“It is by becoming aware of our thoughts that we will be able to control them.” – Denis St-Pierre

A Few Quick Tips to Change Negative Thoughts

Use positive affirmations.

Find a slightly better feeling.

Visualize what you want.

Always be aware of when you have them.

Write in your journal.

Say them out loud and hear how they don’t have to be true.

Practice gratitude.

Meditate or use mindfulness techniques.

Remember the truth that you are...

  • unique and have your own skills and beauty
  • loved by God and the Universe exactly as you are
  • able to achieve anything you can dream of
  • always forgiven, even before you ask.
  • And that there is enough in this world for everyone.

If you didn’t have negative thoughts and emotions, you wouldn’t realize how wonderful it is to live with positivity. Allow it in, learn what you can, and then let them go.

“The greatest discovery of our time has been to understand that a man can change his life by changing his way of thinking.” – William James

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