When I wrote the tagline “Making the most of this life,” my thought was that we take every day we are blessed with and make it meaningful and enjoyable.  To do that, we need to create a few daily habits that keep us on track.

Every day is a new chance to improve your life. When you wake up every morning, you can choose to be a better version of yourself.

The same few things keep coming up that make me a better and healthier me.  Of course, making them daily habits is still a work in progress, but it gives me a goal and a purpose each day.

8 Daily Habits to Help You Make the Most of Your Life

Habit #1

Become more observant – Pay attention to everything around you.

Give all of your attention to the people you are with at the moment.

What needs to be done today?  Is the laundry piling up, is the refrigerator empty, or is there dust bunnies in the corners?

Who needs your attention today?  Your children, your spouse, your employee, your pet, or your parents?

What work goals need the most attention today?

Remember to live in the moment, not in the future or your past.

Habit #2

Read – Learn something new every day.  

Reading keeps the mind active.  As we get older, that is a necessity.  Reading can lower the risk of memory problems.

Make reading part of your morning or evening routine.  Read a devotion in the morning or read a chapter of your book before bed.

Related Post:  Celebrate Drop Everything and Read Day 

Reading to others can help two people at once!  Volunteer at elementary schools or read to your children/grandchildren.  Borrow a child if you don’t have one.

Discover new worlds by switching up the genres you are reading.

Do a reading challenge like this one.

Habit #3

Write – Record your thoughts and ideas.

Use those thoughts to formulate your goals and dreams.

Do a daily recap of your day, keep track of how you are using your time.

Related Post:  9 Ways to Fill a Journal

Write every morning to set an intention for the day or use it as a form of meditation.

Do a writing challenge like this one.

Habit #4

Take Risks- get out of your comfort zone.

If you want more from life, do something different today.  Doing the same thing every day will keep you stuck.

Identify your fears and face them head on.

Take the first step in achieving your dreams!

“You will never reach your true potential living life in comfort and routine.  You’ve got to take some risks.” Kylie Francis

Start trying new things every week to spice things up.

8 Habits to make the most of your life

Habit #5

Move your Body – pretty self-explanatory.

Keep track of your steps and set a goal of 10,000 a day.

Take your dog for a walk.

Related Post:  Fitness Motivation

Stretch as part of your morning routine.

We only get one body, and we need to take care of it every day.  Nothing else matters if we can’t physically do the things we love or if we are spending most of our days in pain.

Habit #6

Eat Well – Eat to live.

Eat regularly and intentionally.

There is a lot of good food out there, and you should try it, but remember the old saying, “everything in moderation.”

Related Post:  Small Things I Can Do to Eat Healthier

When we put good food into our bodies most days, we feel better and can make better decisions about our lives.

Habit #7

Make someone else smile – How can you make someone else’s life better today?

Call a friend.

Take your parents to breakfast.

Support a friend who is starting a new business.

Look for opportunities to open a door or say thank you.

Being kind to others creates a chain of kindness. Keep it going.

The more love and kindness you give to others, the more love and kindness you receive back.

Habit #8

Be grateful – Notice all of the abundances in your life.

Having a place to live, a car to drive, food to eat, clothes to wear, a job to go to, or friends to support you is more than most people in the world have by a lot.

Don’t take for granted all of your blessings.  Thank God every day for being alive.

Related Post: Finding Grace Through Gratitude

And, finally, be grateful for being you. None of these daily habits will make a difference if you don’t love yourself first.

Can you use these 8 daily habits to improve your life every day?  What else would you add?  Let me know in the comments below.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West

Start your journaling practice today! Use the great ideas of what to write in a journal from my Living Marvelously Journal. Never stare at a blank piece of paper again!