Sometimes when life gets busy, you feel like you can’t quite hold on.  Your mind is thinking about all the things that need to be done and all of the things you are not doing because there are so many other things to do right now. I feel like I’m in that busy season of life right now.

I have a lot of commitments coming up and most of them are very exciting, but when I feel like I can’t quite keep up, it’s exhausting.

Someone is going to be disappointed that something doesn’t get done and that is where I have to make sure I have my priorities straight.

I currently have my son’s wedding in less than two weeks, I just got back from an annual weekend that is one of the highlights of my year, but really gets me off my routine.  My family is dealing with some personal issues that are taking a lot of time right now. I’m trying to keep my blog afloat during all of this and maintain my personal self-care routines.

I am not good at being busy. It stresses me out. I am not someone who needs something going on all of the time, in fact, I enjoy having just a few things to focus on. So, when life gets busy, I want to enjoy and be grateful for what is happening!

Related Post: How to Set Priorities for a More Focused Life

How do you decide what is most important?

In most cases it’s the stuff that affects you personally that is the first to go because it won’t disappoint anyone else. But if I’m not feeling good and at the top of my game, then I’m not doing anyone any favors.

I am currently reading Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. Reading the first part of this book as I was writing this post was perfect. I am finding so many valuable quotes to help me through this crazy time.

“That’s why knowing your purpose and priorities for a given season is so valuable – because those commitments become the litmus test for all the decisions you make.” Present over Perfect

I have to figure out what I can do right now in this busy season and what I can’t. Maybe I say no or say that someone else has to take care of something for a while.

“We disappoint people because we’re limited. I have this much time. I have this much energy and this much relational capacity. When you say, “This is what I can do, this is what I can’t”, you will find so much freedom in that.” Present over Perfect

This busy season of life will pass. I need to keep that in mind as I navigate through it.

Everyone has their own level of busyness and knows what they can handle, but once in a while a few extra things will pop up and put you on the edge.

Don’t fall off the edge; here are a few things you can do.

How to Get Through Your Busy Season of Life

Take Care of Yourself First

Make sure you are running on all cylinders!

Morning routine of writing, reading, and meditating

Eating well

Drinking lots of water


Getting enough sleep

If you are tired and not feeling good about yourself, you won’t be effective at getting anything done. You won’t be able to enjoy this exciting time in your life.

Make sure your mind is centered every day.

Related Post: 8 Habits to Make the Most of Your Life

Set Your Priorities and Learn to Say No

Say no to things that aren’t a priority when life gets busy.  Make sure you know what those priorities are. Most likely they are the events that are keeping you busy right now. Don’t take on anything new until this season is over.

If you hate to miss out on anything, write down in your journal what has come up and you had to say no to it. See if you can go back to them once your life settles down.

Accept Help

When others ask to help, let them. Don’t play superhero and think you can do it all yourself. Accept help on things that you know you are not good at.

Stay connected with friends and use their encouragement to help you through.

Love Yourself First

When the world outside seems to be in disarray, make sure your inside world is not. Respect yourself enough to not let others push you into doing something you don’t have time or energy for. Make yourself and your health the #1 priority.

Go Outside

Breathe in the fresh air! Walk barefoot in the grass to feel grounded again.

Be Grateful

Be sure to appreciate what is happening in your life. The people you are spending time with, all that you are learning, and even the opportunity to be busy. In a couple of months, you might wish you were back there again.

Be Aware of the Quiet Moments

When you find yourself with a few minutes of peace, take advantage! Go for a walk, call a friend, write in your journal, enjoy the sunshine or just take a moment to redo your to-do list. These rare moments are good times to reset. Don’t let them get away!

Keep in Mind Your Why

Why are you busy and why are you making these things a priority in your life?

For me, this is pretty easy during my current busy season of life. Of course, my son’s wedding is a loving, beautiful occasion and I am so excited for them to start this new life together. I would do anything to help them out.

Our annual weekend up north is one of the few times our family gets together, and I appreciate every moment with them and the rest of the friends we were able to spend time with.

My family will always be a priority and I want the best for everyone.

My blog is important to me and I don’t want to lose any momentum. It’s something I love to do and is actually one of the things that keeps me sane during the rest of this time.

And, I’ll say it again, if I don’t take care of myself and make my self-care routines a priority, I won’t be able to put my best foot forward for anything else.

That’s about all I can handle right now, and that’s OK. This busy season of life will pass and all I will have is the memories. I’m going to enjoy every moment while it is here.



Are you in a busy season of life? For those of you that work in accounting, wedding, golf, photography, or any other profession that has a busy season every year or those of you that work full time and take care of children and/or parents, I applaud you and hope some of these tips can help.

What are you dealing with right now and how are you handling it?