Have you ever felt bored and uninspired by your daily routine? Even if you have a job you enjoy, hobbies that entertain you, and a wide circle of friends and family, you might still struggle with restlessness. Maybe it’s time for a new adventure.

Whether you realize it or not, it’s easy to get caught up doing the same things again and again. Sometimes, these routines bring you comfort and peace. But left undisturbed for too long, your routines can become dull and make you feel discontent with your life. Here are a few signs that it might be time to spread your wings and look for a new adventure…

1: You Don’t Remember the Last Time You Were Challenged

You’ve been going through the motions for months or years now. Your job isn’t stimulating you, your hobbies aren’t thrilling you, and your passion projects aren’t making you excited in the mornings.

The truth is most of us do our best to grow when we’re challenged. If you take away challenges, you can quickly stagnate and become a lesser version of yourself simply because you aren’t aiming any higher than your current status.

Every time you are challenged, you learn something new, which keeps your mind active and stimulated. There is way too much to experience in your short lifetime to not get out of your comfort zone.

2: You’ve Gone Through a Big Life Transition

Have you:

  • gone through a big divorce, but your house is still filled with stuff from your ex.
  • moved to a new city, but you still don’t feel like you’ve “settled in.”
  • switched jobs, but you’re still navigating the new company culture.
  • become an empty nester, but you are still pining for days gone by.

After a big life transition, it’s the perfect time to plan a new adventure. That’s because your life has shifted, and you have space to reevaluate what you want.

Take advantage of this new status in life and try something new. You are meant to go through stages; it’s OK to do something different. It’s time for a new adventure.

3: You’re Bored

You frequently find yourself spacing out on your commute while other people are talking to you. When you get home from a long day, rather than do a meaningful activity, you find yourself escaping into TV or gaming for hours at a time.

Everyone needs to chill sometimes. But if you’re routinely checking out of your own life, that’s a major clue you need to spice things up and consider trying a new adventure.

Think about things you used to enjoy doing. Maybe it’s painting, jogging, writing, traveling, entertaining, or cooking. Plan some time to start those activities up again. Check out this blog post on ways to keep busy: Being Busy Loving Your Life The Way You Designed It

4: You’re Playing Small while Dreaming Big

You dream of more than what you’re doing now. Maybe you want to start that side hustle you keep talking about. Perhaps you want to go back to school and finish that degree. Maybe you want to write a book.

Whatever your dream, you keep tucking it away in a corner of your heart. You promise yourself you’ll get to it when you have “more” – more time, more money, or more energy. Only that day doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon.

Dream Big Poem: There Is Only One You

We are all pieces of a big puzzle, so if you are not fulfilling your dreams, you could be the missing piece to someone else’s. Don’t give up. Plus, every time you fail, you learn something new.



5: You Never Shake Things Up

Do you know a friend whose rhythms you could set your alarm clock by? She does the same things each day, never varying her routine. She follows the same commute, listens to the same music, hangs out with the same people, and eats the same foods for weeks on end. Maybe that is you.

While it’s OK to be predictable, there is such a thing as becoming too set in your habits. You can actually cut off your exposure to new experiences when you get into ruts that you never try breaking out of. Life is meant to be an adventure, and there are so many possibilities for joy. Doing the same thing over and over again is boring. What if you tried one new thing each day or week? See what happens.

6: You’re Living Vicariously through Others

You spend your time on social media, studying what other cool people are doing. You listen to your friends’ stories of travel, job changes, or new hobbies with rapt attention, wishing you were in their place.

It’s natural to mentally walk a mile in someone else’s shoes every now and then. It can be fun to imagine another life. But if you’re always trying to live vicariously through other people, it can be a sign that something exciting is lacking in your own life.

Take a moment to decide which of the things you see other people doing is what would make you happy. Then, take some baby steps to create your own exciting life.

7: You Can’t Remember the Last Time You Failed

Sometimes, a lack of failure is a clear sign you’ve stopped trying. It’s not that you can’t achieve more. It’s simply that you aren’t pushing yourself. You’ve stopped trying to grow and improve.

Failure is an inevitable part of any journey. Embrace it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Learn from your setbacks, adjust your course if needed, and keep moving forward. Each failure brings valuable lessons that contribute to your ultimate success.

8: You’re Ready for a Change

You’ve been living in a situation that you’ve spent months or years accepting. Maybe you thought you couldn’t do something big and bold. Perhaps you doubted you were strong enough or smart enough to make a change. Maybe you let others talk you out of your dreams.

Well, today is the day you can shout, “No more!” You don’t have to accept that the way things are now is the way they’ll always be. You have the power and the potential to change your life at any moment you choose.

Related Post: 14 Tips on How to Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life

It’s Time for a New Adventure

When many people think of change, they feel scared at first. This is a natural reaction to the unknown. But while change can certainly feel overwhelming, the truth is it can also be incredibly liberating.

Imagine waking up tomorrow and feeling content, energized, and excited to face your new adventure. All because you were bold enough to make a thrilling new choice today!