Yesterday I wrote the post, “A Guide to Chakras for Beginners”. It was the first step in my process of learning about how the energy of the chakras works in our bodies. Now that you are aware of when your chakras may be blocked, you need to know how to open your chakras.

As a recap:

  • Chakras are energy points that control and energize the vital organs of our body, both physical and mental. They are wheels of energy and light.
  • The first step in knowing whether you are being affected by your chakras is awareness. Knowing what each of the chakras might trigger when they are blocked.
  • If all of your chakras are open, which is their natural state, you would be living your best life. There would be no need to figure out what each of them is doing for you because you are in alignment.
  • There are 7 main chakras that start at the base of your spine and travel up the center of your body to the top of your head. Each references a spiritual energy center and organ within the human body.
  • The goal is to be balanced in all of your chakras to feel your connection to the Universe/God/Source. When you have that connection, your life becomes easy because you already have all that you need.

I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to risk sounding a little crazy in order to live in my highest consciousness and have direct contact with my source. It sounds like such a beautiful place to be.

When we have cleared chakras, we are able to improve our energy and overall health. Everything seems to flow a lot easier.

The seven main chakras are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. If you are feeling a little out of sorts with your energy and looking to lift your spirits, try one of these healing techniques. Also, if you are feeling like one of your chakras may be overactive, use these techniques to balance them out.

How to Open Your Chakras


When we meditate, we are allowing ourselves just to breathe and take in the energy from the Universe. We lose all of the distractions and worries and anything making us live outside of joy. We come back to a place of peace and listen for any guidance coming our way.

Try meditating every morning, even just for a few minutes. Once you make this a habit, you discover that you can bring yourself back to peace at any time and let the energy flow freely through your body.


Affirmations are a way to declare to the Universe what you want your life to look like. Make sure your affirmations declare your best life and put you into the life you want to have. Here are a few examples.

Root Chakra – I am safe, and my basic needs are met and abundant.

Sacral Chakra – I live a joyful life. I love what I do, and my creative juices are always flowing.

Solar Plexus Chakra – I am worthy of great abundance and love. I am confident in my abilities and ready to share my gifts with the world.

Heart Chakra – There is much love in my life. I give and receive love freely.

Throat Chakra – I speak my truth. I have faith in my abilities and communicate them well through my work, art, and words.

Third Eye – I listen to my intuition and take action. I see the big picture of my life.

Crown – I am well. I have everything I need and want, and I am supported by the whole of the Universe.


Root – What do I appreciate about my life? Where do I feel fear, and how can I break through those fears?

Sacral – Who do I need to forgive? What guilt can I let go of? How can I release my creativity?

Solar Plexus – What would I do if I had no limits? If I could not fail?

HeartList all of the ways I love and appreciate my life.

Throat – What are some things that I think or feel but have never expressed to anyone? What would I say if I was not afraid of what anyone thinks?

Third Eye – What is my intuition trying to tell me? What do I hear when I really listen to my soul?

Crown – How can I let go of control and surrender to the flow of my life?

Color Vibration

Each chakra has a corresponding color. If you are feeling blocked, find ways to wear, eat and see the colors of the chakra. You could also carry around a crystal of the same color as a reminder to let go of your doubts and worries.

Root – Red

Sacral – Orange

Solar Plexus – Yellow

Heart – Green

Throat – Blue

Third Eye – Turquoise

Crown – White

Yoga or Pilates

There are poses that match the vibration of each of the chakras. But yoga and Pilates are based on your breathing, and that in itself can open your chakras. Set an intention before your class to focus on whatever chakra you want to clear. Carry that throughout your practice.

If you are interested in specific yoga poses, check out this article.

Essential Oils

Essential oils or aromatherapy work through the sense of smell and skin absorption to promote health and wellbeing. Use them in a diffuser, your bath, rub on your skin, or in jewelry.

I found this list on the Mind Valley blog.

1st Chakra: St. John’s Wort, Angelica, Patchouli, and Frankincense

2nd Chakra: Orange, Neroli, Clove, Juniper, and Rosemary

3rd Chakra: Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint, Yarrow, and Marjoram

4th Chakra: Melissa, Rosewood, Basil, and Rose

5th Chakra: Lemongrass, Sage, and Blue chamomile

6th Chakra: Clary sage, Elemi, Spruce, and Lavender

7th Chakra: Geranium, Myrrh, Gotu Kola, and Sandalwood


I saved the best for last. You have to believe that you have the power to live your best life just by doing what you love and listening to your source for guidance. As I stated above, having all of your chakras open and the energy spinning freely is your natural state. It’s when we let our egos get in the way that we start to block them.

If you read this whole post, you either believe or are open to giving it a shot.

Discover the chakras, be aware of where you might be stuck, and learn how to open your chakras. See where it takes you and wait for amazing things to happen!

Leave a message if I can help you in any way!

“Each of the seven chakras is governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.” ~ Deepak Chopra

Psst – Here is a Chakras Cheat Sheet!

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