It’s February, which can be a gloomy time of the year. Seasonal affective disorder kicks in and it seems like forever until Spring and you can enjoy the sunshine again. To pass the time and bring more positivity into our lives, let’s do a 25-day positivity challenge!

Positivity gets a bad rap. It seems like everyone thinks you just need to be more positive to be happy. Positive people are looked at as “Pollyanna” or fake. How can anyone be positive all of the time?

But when someone tells you to be positive, it doesn’t mean you have to change everything you think, it truly just means, they want you to feel good. Do things that make you happy and bring you joy. When you do that, your negativity melts away and you default to positive!

Are you ready?

Before we start, you may be asking why you have to be positive. To get you motivated, I found a few reasons.

Why Be Positive?

  • Happiness – Thinking positively makes you happy. While thinking negatively makes you depressed or anxious. Try it. Think of something that is bothering you and feel your energy. Then think of something you love and do the same. Which one makes you happier?
  • Motivation – A positive frame of mind increases your motivation to succeed and get what you want.
  • Self Esteem – When you are positive, you feel much better about yourself. You tend to do nicer things for yourself.
  • Better health – People who are positive tend to be healthier. You are more energetic, and your immune system is affected positively as well.
  • Better Relationships – It is common sense that people like to hang out with positive people as opposed to people who are always complaining or whose moods bring the whole vibe down in a setting.
  • Higher Vibrational Frequency – When you are feeling positive and joyful, your energetic frequency is then matched with other positive and joyful vibrations. You can choose what frequency you want to be on.

OK, here we go.

25 Day Positivity Challenge

Positivity Challenge


  1. Compliment someone. Watch their face light up and feel yours light up too!
  2. Listen to your favorite upbeat song. You might even find yourself dancing!
  3. Write down 10 things you are grateful for this morning.
  4. Make your bed with fresh sheets.
  5. Write a letter, email, or text to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.
  6. Make and eat a healthy snack.
  7. Meet friends for lunch or dinner.
  8. Watch a funny movie or YouTube clip.
  9. Write down everything you love about your job. Then write down what you can do to make it better.
  10. Go for a long walk or run. If it’s snowy where you are, go to a gym or mall, or just run in place while you watch your favorite show.
  11. Get lost in a really good book. It will take your mind off any negativity you have going on and distract you for a while!
  12. Plan a party or celebration for someone you love.
  13. Journal Prompt: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  14. Write down what you are worried about, then figure out what is in your control. Create a plan to feel better about it.
  15. Pay attention to anything negative that comes out of your mouth today. Complaints, apologies, talking bad about yourself, etc.
  16. Think before you speak today. Catch yourself before you say something negative.
  17. Perform 3 acts of kindness today. Read this post for inspiration.
  18. Forgive someone you have been holding a grudge against. Just tell yourself you forgive them and feel the release of pressure!
  19. Journal Prompt: If money wasn’t an issue, how would you live differently?
  20. Reduce negative influences in your life. Unfriend people on social media, unsubscribe to emails and do not engage in conversations with coworkers who are always complaining.
  21. Plan a trip or date with someone you love. Have something to look forward to.
  22. Try meditating today.
  23. Are you getting enough sleep? Plan to get 7-8 hours of sleep tonight.
  24. Limit social media today. Use the time to do something creative. Write, paint, build something, read, redecorate a room, etc.
  25. Write down everything that brings you joy and makes you feel good. Do more of that!

Life is too short to let things bring you down. Why not feel good and bring joy to your life every day?

After this positivity challenge, keep it going by adding your own ideas.

Cheers to a positive month! Let me know how it goes!

“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.”

Here’s a PDF of the challenge!

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