As the new year approaches, we start to think about all of the things we want to change about our lives and set goals and action plans to make that happen. Usually, these goals and actions are based on what we don’t currently have.  And as we all know, when we focus on what we don’t have, we get more of that. Let’s change the focus. Let’s start setting goals and action plans around what brings joy into our lives instead of always trying to solve a problem. I like to do monthly challenges instead of year-long New Years’ resolutions, so here are a few monthly challenge ideas!

Monthly challenges are a great way to try new things and form new positive habits. They help to change up your routines and to practice self-discipline. You can do one a month or try adding a couple of small challenges each month. The focus will be to challenge yourself while adding more joy to your life.

To give you some examples, I’ve taken a few common New Year resolutions and changed them from lack to joy.

Eat Healthier – Instead of challenging yourself to not eat sugar, challenge yourself to cook one vegan meal a day. Or, add a new fruit and vegetable to your meal plans or find a salad you enjoy and replace a meal with that.

Get out of Debt – Instead of having a no-buy month, challenge yourself to find things in your house to upcycle instead of buying new. Decorate a jar and put a small amount of money in it every day to save for a trip or a gift for yourself. Try a new side hustle for 30 days.

Exercise More – If you don’t like exercise, it will be hard to find joy in it. In that case, don’t do it. Don’t pressure yourself into thinking you have to exercise to lose weight or whatever else your goal is. If you like to exercise but need to do it more, discover what you love and challenge yourself to do that every day for a little more time each day.

Why focus on what brings you joy?

First of all, you are more likely to stick with it because you enjoy doing it!

Second, joy brings you closer to manifesting what you are truly seeking. Health, money, relationships, etc. Joy raises your vibration.

Third, when you feel joy, it is very difficult to feel the other negative emotions that are attached to what you want to change.


30 Monthly Challenge Ideas Focused on Joy

  • Try a new way to move your body. Dance, yoga, speed walking, karate, etc.
  • Drink lemon water or tea every morning
  • Try a side hustle for 30 days doing something you are good at. Resume writing, article writing, proofreading, transcription, virtual assistant, etc.
  • Read for 30 minutes a day
  • Instead of social media time, call or write a letter to a friend.
  • Create a new affirmation every day
  • Give your spouse or significant other a compliment every day
  • Draw or paint a picture every day. Take this further and meditate or listen for guidance from the Universe first.
  • Donate a bit of money to charity every day
  • Learn something new every day
  • Wear a new outfit every day with items that are already in your closet

Related Post: 15 Monthly Challenges


  • Write for 10 minutes every morning on whatever pops into your head
  • Cook a different meal at dinnertime every day. Find recipes online or in all of those cookbooks collecting dust.
  • Try a new diet you have always wanted to try. Whole 30, vegan, Mediterranean, gluten-free, etc.
  • Do an act of kindness every day
  • Sell 30 things you don’t need or wear anymore and see how much money you can make in a month
  • Bring your own lunch to work
  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Wake up one hour earlier every day to do one of the other things on this list
  • Listen to a new song every day

Related Post: How To Improve Your Life with Non-Negotiables

  • Stay away from the news on TV for 30 days. Try these news sources instead.
  • Learn how to play a musical instrument
  • Spend 15 minutes a day learning a new language
  • Listen to a different podcast every day
  • Do a brain-training puzzle each day. Find ideas here on Luminosity.
  • Write down a compliment about yourself in your journal each morning
  • Pay extra on your bills for a month
  • Take vitamins and see if they change how you feel after 30 days
  • Eat fruit with breakfast and vegetables with lunch and dinner
  • Brainstorm for 10 minutes every morning about how to bring more joy into your life

For more ideas, check out this article!

Do any of those ideas spark joy?

After the 30 days of using these monthly challenge ideas, hopefully, you learn something new about yourself, life, or the world. I also hope you are able to attract more joy to your life. Even if you don’t finish the full 30 days, focusing on joy for any period of time is better than focusing on what you don’t think you have.

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” Robin S. Sharma

“The JOY we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” Russell M Nelson

What challenges will you try in the new year?