There have been times in my life when I just wanted an excuse to stay home for a few days or a weekend and just do whatever I wanted. But usually there was something I needed or wanted to do to keep me from doing that. Now that everything is getting shut down because of COVID-19, you now have a chance to do that. While we try to lessen the disaster happening in China and Italy from happening here, listen to the authorities and take advantage of social distancing. As long as you are not sick or caring for someone who is, you may be able to get something done!

Ways to Take Advantage of Social Distancing

  1. Do nothing. How often do you get the chance to just sit and do nothing?
  2. Watch TV. Get caught up on all of your shows or start some new ones. Watch all those movies that were up for Oscars you didn’t have time to before.
  3. Clean and disinfect your house.
  4. Organize your house. Clean out closets and junk drawers.
  5. Exercise! Go outside for a walk or run, dust off your elliptical or treadmill, check out all of the on-line courses that are available.
  6. Learn to cook. Try all kinds of new recipes.
  7. Get creative. Sew, paint, knit, write, sing, dance, scrapbook, etc.
  8. Find a way to engage High School students who are missing out on so much.
  9. Write thank you cards and letters to out of state relatives.
  10. Give your dog a bath.
  11. If you are healthy, find a way to help your community.
  12. Get your house ready for Spring.
  13. Clean out your garage and your car.
  14. Organize your office. Make new files and throw out things that are no longer useful or relevant.
  15. Catch up on all of the online courses you may have purchased but never finished.
  16. Stay in touch with your elderly parents and health care working friends.
  17. Organize your photos.
  18. Access your local libraries eBooks and eAudiobooks.
  19. Take advantage of local restaurants offering curbside pickup.
  20. If you are laid off from work, learn a few new skills to help you when you go back.

If you have children at home or are taking care of someone else’s, there are so many amazing online opportunities showing up on Facebook. Just enter what you are looking for in the search bar on top of your page. Here are a few of my favorites.

Virtual Field Trips

This amazing Facebook post of lots of on-line adventures.

Another Facebook post that encouraged parents to teach children some things that schools don’t.

  • How to cook
  • Do laundry
  • Sew on a button
  • Balance a checkbook
  • Build something
  • Car Maintenance
  • Write a thank you note or letter and mail via snail mail

During this time, you may have lots of alone time to contemplate your life.

Are you making the most of your life? 8 Habits to Make the Most of Your Life

Are you doing what you love? What is My Purpose?

What dreams are still out there?

  • Use this time to make a vision board.
  • Write out a bucket list
  • Plan a vacation for next year.
  • Draw out your dream home.
  • Make a budget to set aside money.

What limiting beliefs are you still holding on to that prevent you from reaching your dreams? 7 Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back from Living Marvelously

Have you been taking care of yourself?

  • Try a new form of exercise.
  • Cook a couple healthy meals you can add to your rotation.
  • Catch up on your sleep.
  • Try some meditation.
  • If you are away from work, take the time to destress.

social distancing

Sometimes I wonder if we are hitting the reset button.

Lately, it seems like the world is getting out of control. And while I am very sorry for anyone who loses their life, if we are all forced to slow down, stay home and take care of our family, ourselves and those most vulnerable, couldn’t something good come from it?  Even if you think everyone is overreacting, some very loving and caring things are happening.

  • Restaurants are changing the way they do business to make sure everyone gets fed.
  • Democrats and Republicans might actually be working together?
  • Schools are doing what they can to help those that are home without the resources they need to keep learning.
  • Other businesses are giving away free service to make sure kids are able to keep learning from home.
  • On-line businesses are giving away free courses or meditations to help with anxiety.
  • All businesses are making sure they are clean and sanitized.
  • Major sports that have been suspended are making sure the people who work for them at the arenas are getting paid.
  • Everyone seems to be thinking about everyone else.
  • I’m sure there are many more examples!

It is really quite beautiful.

Related Post: Be Aware of Your Impact on Others

On Living Marvelously my goal is to discover ways to make life more meaningful and enjoyable!  I want you to feel loved, joyful, happy, empowered and aligned. Maybe you can use this time to find some of that in your life.

I hope we can get control of COVID-19 soon. But until then, take advantage of social distancing. When the world gets back to normal, I hope that normal has changed for the better.

“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art and played games, and learned new ways of being and were still. They listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently, and the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. When the danger passed, the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices. They dreamed new images and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.” Kitty O’Meara