Dreams have the power to ignite our souls and inspire us to reach new heights. As midlife women, we have the experience and wisdom to recognize what truly makes us happy. However, sometimes we get caught up in the ‘how’ of achieving our dreams, which can hinder our progress. This blog post will explore the liberating concept of releasing the ‘how’ and trusting the universe to guide us toward a joyful and fulfilling life. So, let’s dream big and discover what truly makes us happy!


Dream Big and Discover What Will Make You Happy

It all starts with allowing ourselves to dream big and envision our desired life. Close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. What brings a smile to your face? What activities make your heart sing? Give yourself permission to explore these dreams and get clear on what truly brings you joy.



Release How You Reach Your Dreams

Once you have a clear vision of your dreams, it’s time to release the attachment to how you will achieve them. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, which may not always align with your preconceived notions. Embrace the idea that there are infinite paths to success and happiness. By releasing the ‘how,’ you open yourself up to unexpected opportunities and serendipitous moments that can lead you closer to your dreams than you ever imagined.

Trust and faith are two big words that can be hard to implement. But once you start and see little miracles, you will learn to use them more and more.

Here’s an example: Let’s say I want to find a new partner for my business. So, I put the dream out there, but then I spend all my time searching LinkedIn or Google to find someone who matches what I want. While it’s good to take action, I have to be open to finding my partner in other ways that I can’t conceive of. Like maybe at the coffee shop, or I tell a friend about it, and she knows someone, or I get into a fender bender with someone who fits perfectly. There are so many options!


Allow Yourself to Be Surprised

Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. By releasing the ‘how’ of reaching our dreams, we invite the magic of the universe into our lives. Embrace the unknown and be open to the unexpected twists and turns along the way. Trust that the universe is conspiring in your favor, and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by the wonderful synchronicities that unfold.


Leave Room for Anything – There Are So Many Possibilities

When we cling tightly to a specific plan, we limit ourselves to a narrow range of possibilities. Instead, create space in your life for anything and everything. The universe is abundant, and countless opportunities are waiting for you. By leaving room for anything, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities that may surpass your wildest dreams.


Take Pressure Off Yourself to Make It Happen

Let go of the pressure to control every aspect of your journey. Trust that the universe knows what is best for you and will guide you accordingly. Surrender the need to force things to happen and instead focus on aligning your energy with your dreams. When you release the pressure, you create a sense of ease and flow that allows the universe to work its magic in your life.


Go Out and Have Fun

Finally, remember that life is meant to be enjoyed. As you embark on your journey toward your dreams, don’t forget to have fun along the way. Seek out experiences that bring you joy and make you feel alive. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift and inspire you. When you approach your dreams with a spirit of playfulness and joy, the universe responds in kind, opening doors and creating opportunities you never thought possible.

Trusting the universe and releasing the ‘how’ of reaching your dreams is a powerful mindset shift that can transform your life. Dream big, allow yourself to be surprised, and leave room for endless possibilities. Take the pressure off yourself and enter the world with a sense of joy and adventure. Remember, the universe is on your side, ready to support you every step of the way. Embrace the journey and watch your dreams unfold beautifully and unexpectedly. Trust the process and trust yourself. Your dream life awaits!

“Trusting the universe means having faith in the unknown and surrendering to the flow of life.” – Rebecca Campbell

“Trusting the universe means letting go of control and allowing things to happen naturally.” – Denise Linn

“The universe is always working behind the scenes to make our dreams come true.” – Paulo Coelho