Have you heard the phrases, “What you focus on expands” and “Thoughts become things”? Do you believe them? The truth is that they are true, and they are at work at all times, whether you know it or not. One way to prove it to yourself is to create a vision board. Challenge yourself to discover why vision boards work and how they can help you manifest your dreams.

According to Wikipedia, A dream board or vision board is a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one’s dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation and use the law of attraction to attain goals.

But creating a vision board and just looking at it every day will not magically produce a new car or vacation. You have to take some action, and you have to believe your dreams can come true.

Why Vision Boards Work

  • You emit the energy of your thoughts out into the Universe, and by law, that energy is returned to you.
  • Your goals and dreams are top of mind every day.
  • The energy becomes much stronger when you attach a feeling of joy and excitement to the pictures and words on your vision board.
  • You have to believe that your dreams and goals are possible. Limiting beliefs will block the energy.
  • Vision boards can help you clarify your goals

How to Create a Vision Board

First of all, there are no rules. Use your unique creativity to make whatever feels good. You can use whatever medium you like. Use materials you have around your house.

  • Poster boards, cardboard, wood, plain paper, digital, etc.
  • Scissors, tape, pins, or glue sticks
  • Magazines or old picture books you can tear apart
  • Embellishments like stickers, buttons, colored tape, or small keepsakes.
  • Images, quotes, words, or photos. You can google the words, type them on your computer, and print them out.

Here are some examples of vision boards –

why vision boards work

But, before you start putting it together, take some time to clarify your goals and dreams. Take the time to sit quietly and visualize your dream life.

  • How do you feel?
  • Who are you with?
  • What are you doing?
  • How do you look?
  • What do you have?
  • Do you have a bucket list or a list of results you are seeking?
  • Do you have goals in all areas of your life? Health, wealth, business, fun, relationships, and spirituality.
  • What words come to mind when you think of your dream life? Laughter, love, authenticity, connection, healthy, strong, simple, rich, freedom, happiness, or joy. So many words; what other ones come to mind?

Hang on to the emotions and feelings you felt when you envisioned your dream life. Try to find images and words that evoke them.

Download 4 Sets of FREE Affirmations you can use on your vision board!


“Emotions are the vibrational energy that activates the Law of Attraction.” Jack Canfield


Keep your board neat and be selective. You do not want to attract chaos. Make it a clear representation so that you know what it means when you look at it!

The purpose of a vision board is to bring everything on it to life. But you can’t be too specific. Remember, you are looking for the feeling, not necessarily the exact object.

Once you have all of your images and words, place them on your board. Don’t glue anything down until you play with it and get it to look pleasing to you.

You could also create sections for each area of your life and write your goal with it.

Now What?

Once your vision board is created, place it somewhere you can see every day.

Two things are important to make your vision board work. Visualize and act.


Every morning or evening, take 5 minutes to look at your board and visualize yourself manifesting the feelings it evokes.

  • Feel the happiness while at your cabin at the lake with your family.
  • See yourself laughing with your friends at a retreat.
  • Feel the love while snuggling with your partner.
  • The pride in giving part of your abundance to your favorite charity.
  • Feel the confidence when you go to the beach in your swimsuit.
  • See the celebration when your company reaches a milestone.


“To bring anything into your life, imagine it is already there.” Richard Bach



To get to where you want to be, you have to move. You have to go out into the world where the magic of manifestation can reach you.

Take baby steps—action to the best of your ability that moves in the direction of your dream.


“By physically taking action, you put yourself out in the world where life’s magic can reach you with coincidences, happy accidents, and serendipities.” Mike Dooley


Look for signs of manifestation. Date your vision board and pay attention to when your dreams and goals come true.

If you travel a lot, a friend of mine created a post about creating a portable vision board. Read it here.

I hope I have helped you discover why vision boards work. Take the challenge and put one together! Here is a picture of mine.

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Vision with action can change the world.” Joel A Barker


Have fun, and share yours below!

I contributed to this amazing magazine full of pictures, words, and ideas for your vision board! Check it out HERE! It’s called The Real Vision Board Magazine, and it will add magic to your creative process.


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