I love to journal.  I started keeping a journal when my kids were young.  It gave me a little escape and a way to put my thoughts on paper.  I am a thinker, so if I don’t get some thoughts out of my head and on paper, I’d probably go crazy.  That is one of the reasons I started a blog.  Whenever I read or see something inspiring, I want to share it.  Before blogging, those ideas got jumbled around in my head and sometimes written in my journal, but then they sat on the shelf.  Now I am writing all of the time with at least three notebooks going on at once.  There are so many ways to fill a journal.

All you need is a pen and paper.  In fact, I would start with the paper and pen closest to you and write down what you are thinking now.  That might be, “This is really stupid,” “I have to bring my kids to school right now,” or “These are the dreams I want for myself.”

Once you start a habit of writing, you can have so much fun picking out ways to fill a notebookpens, markers, journals, notebooks, stickers, etc.  In fact, one of my greatest pleasures is finding a new journal or a notebook with heavy paper.  I get so excited when I get to the end of one, so I can start a shiny, beautiful, empty journal just waiting for me to fill the crisp pages. Back-to-school shopping time is the best! You can buy notebooks for less than a dollar!

There are many benefits to filling a notebook or journal with all that comes from your imagination.

But, if you don’t think you have anything to write about, here are a few ideas for what to write in a journal.

9 Ways to Fill a Notebook or Journal


This can be very easy at first.  Just list what you are grateful for.  Family, friends, home, air, water, food, and all life essentials will be the first on your lists.  Then you must dig a little deeper and get more creative.  This is where healing and inspiration come in.  Keeping a gratitude list can open you up to manifesting more good in your life.  You will learn to appreciate everything you have.

Put your dreams on paper

Mary Morrissey wrote an article in the Huffington Post about the power of writing down your goals and dreams.  In it, she says, “This is significant because if you just THINK about one of your goals or dreams, you’re only using the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your imaginative center.  But, if you think about something you desire and then write it down, you tap into the power of your logic-based left hemisphere, and you send your consciousness and every cell of your body a signal that says, “I want this, and I mean it!” You can read the rest of her article here.

Work out your frustrations

Do you stay up at night worrying?  By writing what you are worried about in your journal, you will free up that space in your mind for what really matters.  Journaling can help you process your feelings and, at the same time, redirect them more positively.  Writing out your thoughts and feelings in a notebook is a healthy way to process whatever is going on for you.

Write what you want to say to someone

If communication is not easy for you, write what you want to tell someone in your journal.  Whether it is your spouse, child, boss, parent, or friend, writing it down first can help you remember everything you want to say.  It can also help you formulate your thoughts and ideas and maybe take out harsh words you want to say.  Find a calmer approach.

Record prayers and affirmations

Sometimes when I do not know what I want to write about, I start with my affirmations.  I usually have a few that I am focusing on, and I write each one down two or three times.  I also like to write prayers or poems, so I will use the time to scribble out ideas that I can formulate later.

Record Lists

You can keep lists of to-dos, bucket lists, books or movies, things you love, places you want to travel, things you want to buy, people you want to meet, gifts, or groceries.  Lists can be powerful tools to enhance productivity.  Bullet journals can really tap into your creativity by keeping lists.  I have some fun ideas on my Pinterest page and in my post, 40 Useful Lists to Make Life Easier.

Daily Recap

Every morning, I recap in my journal of what I loved about the day before.  I write down my accomplishments, who I met, where I went, or how I felt.  Then at the end of each month, I write a monthly recap.  I love seeing that I am doing something and that my days are not just passing by without meaning. It’s a great way to show yourself what you did to achieve goals or what days you could have spent a little more time on your work.

Morning Pages

I read the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron at the beginning of this year to find some motivation and encouragement in the creative process.  One of the beginning assignments was to write three pages of anything every morning.  I didn’t think I could do it; 3 pages is a lot of writing, but then I started, and it became my favorite thing to do in the morning.  I would use the time and space to record all of the things I just wrote about above.  It became a form of meditation for me.  I have been a little distracted lately, so I haven’t been doing them, and I miss it.  I will start up again because I love how it sets the tone for my day.

Keep your memories recorded

My mom passed away at 66, and my dad is now 86 and starting to forget things.  I did not do a good job of recording their memories.  I want to be able to share my memories with my children.  Keeping a record of what you do and how you feel is a good start.  In an article written for Memory Improvement Tips, the author said, “Do you really remember all the important details – people’s names, the complexity of your feelings, the little things that happened, or even all the big experiences you had? If you write them down soon after, you’ll have a wonderful resource for jogging your memory.”

I hope I have encouraged you to find ways to fill a notebook or journal.  The sky is the limit on what you can write on your pretty paper.  You can journal every day, three times a week, or once a month; the pen and paper will always be waiting for you!

If you are already keeping a journal, share how you fill your pages!

If you would like some help, check out The Living Marvelously Journal! It contains journal prompts, affirmations, and lists to jump-start your journal writing! 


“Keeping a journal will change your life in ways that you’d never imagine.” Oprah Winfrey

For more journal prompts, check out these posts.

30 Day Journal Challenge to Inspire You to Write

16 Thoughtful Journal Prompts for Self Reflection

20 Morning Writing Prompts to Inspire a Great Day