It is time to call out everyone who is afraid to be woo woo. Is that you?

Do you get uncomfortable when someone talks to you about God or affirmations or creating your life with your thoughts? Are you secretly thinking this person is too woo woo for you? I mean, come on, where is the science behind it?

But maybe, on the other hand, you are thinking, what if this is actually true? Or, it does interest me, but who am I going to talk to about it? They will think I’m crazy.

The definition of woo woo is “unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.”



I’ve been writing about spirituality and the law of attraction for three years, and when I started, I was a little afraid too. What were people going to think of me? How can I explain it without scaring people off?

My solution to that problem is to do it anyway and not call it woo woo. The law of attraction and thoughts becoming things has been proven that it works through our own experiences with it. So, even if other people might call it unconventional, it is really just experiencing life.

I think what is scary about it is that if you believe in it then you are responsible for how your life plays out. You are the one driving the bus and creating your experiences. And with that, there is no one to blame.


Losing the Fear of Woo Woo


Using Affirmations

Repeating sentences or phrases that challenge negative or self-defeating thoughts. Have you tried it? And I mean not just for a couple of days, but really believed that it was true. It works, and there is actual scientific proof of it. Using affirmations can change your brain’s neuropathways, and you will start to think differently.

Try a few simple ones and see what happens –

  • I am beautiful.
  • My life is amazing.
  • I have an abundance of love in my life.
  • I appreciate all of the lessons life has taught me.

Thoughts Become Things

This is similar to using affirmations but not so specific. Paying attention to your thoughts and how often you put yourself or others down and then changing those thoughts into more positive ones also change the way your mind works. I encourage you to try this.

  • Think of something that you complain about a lot. How do you feel when you say it or think about it? Do you feel constricted, heavy, dark, shameful, etc?
  • Now think of that same thing but think of it with love. Like it was your best friend or child complaining, and you want them to feel better. Now how do you feel? Lighter, open, stand a little straighter, peaceful, etc.
  • It only takes a moment to shift your thinking. Practice it and see what happens when you live life with positive thoughts.

The things part is a little more tricky. But when you think about it, it has to be true. Everything in your world had to start from someone’s imagination. The material things you have come first from a thought that you wanted it and you believed you could have it.  If there is something in your life that you don’t want, how much attention are you giving it? Is it time to dismantle that thought and create a new one?

Just imagine what we could do if everyone did this. A collective of positive thoughts could produce a beautiful world of love and peace.

“Peace begins with your heart. Grows in your mind. Manifests through your will and spreads through your action.” Anna Pereira


Infinite Possibilities from the Universe

This one is a little more difficult to prove, but if you pay attention, you may have already felt and experienced it. It makes sense that our lives and what we can see in front of us are limited. But we all have dreams and desires of things and experiences that are outside of what our brains can help us achieve. We just don’t know how to do everything. That is where the Universe/God comes in.

Think about a time you wanted something and thought about it a lot. Did weird things start happening that made it appear? Maybe not in a straight line, but you met someone or took a wrong turn and discovered something new or a friend suddenly had what you wanted or a book fell off a shelf that was exactly what you needed or you had a thought in the shower that told you what to do. It can be called intuition, hunches, instincts, or gut feelings.

But the key is that it started from your thought and your belief and then you were provided guidance.

woo woo

If you are blaming someone or something else for the things you don’t like in your life, take some time to reflect on your thoughts.

  • What are you complaining about most often?
  • What do you believe that makes you think someone else is to blame? Are those beliefs true?
  • What am I telling myself I want?
  • Do you love yourself? Do you trust yourself to know what is right for you?
  • How can I support myself and live the life that makes me happy?
  • As you answer these questions, allow yourself to receive the answers. Don’t force it.


You Still Have to Take Action

One of the reasons you might be afraid of woo woo is because you were raised to believe that you have to work hard to get what you want. And that is still partly true. Take out the word “hard” though. For the Universe/God to know what you want and help guide you, you have to take steps toward it. By physically taking action, you put yourself out in the world where life’s magic can reach you with coincidences, happy accidents, and serendipities.

“The only place the ship of your dreams will never find you is at home, waiting for it.” Mike Dooley


Stand In Your Truth

I can immerse myself in this thinking when I am writing, reading, and in groups with like-minded people, but once I step out of that comfort zone, I can be afraid to be woo woo with others. But I want you to know that you have the power to create a world you love, so it is becoming easier to stand in my truth. And, I think you secretly want to talk about this woo woo stuff too. At the very least, experiment with it and find your own proof that it works.

I created an online course called Creating Infinite Possibilities for Abundance. This course will walk you through eleven tools to help you create your dream life. It’s time to give it a try. It’s time to experiment with all of the ways you can manifest the life you want to live.

Learn More About Creating Infinite Possibilities for Abundance

Stop being afraid to be woo woo and recognize how you experience it every day!

If you want someone to talk to about it, reach out by email or leave a comment below, we are in this together!


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