When I was younger, my mom always taught my religion classes at our church. She would stand in front of the class and teach us the rules, traditions, and practices of being Catholic. When I became a mom, I followed in her footsteps and started teaching my kids too. But there came a time when I started questioning what I was teaching. The curriculum seemed too forced and hard to explain. I soon realized that what I wanted to teach was how to be spiritual, not religious in one faith.

Being spiritual means having a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself. A higher spirit that helps co-create your life. While teaching catholicism includes believing in God, it also looks at God as separate from ourselves. I taught the children that they needed to do the right things to be seen as “good” in God’s eyes. But in spiritual terms, everyone is perfect just the way they are, and we all have access to a higher spirit that resides in our soul now.

It’s there whether you believe in it or not; you have to find ways to access it. When you are in good spiritual health, you will feel at peace with your life. You will have a balance between your body, mind, and spirit.

That seems much easier said than done, but I wanted to share some ways to add spirituality to your everyday life.

How to Be Spiritual

Be aware of your breath

Try paying attention to your breathing for 5 seconds. What happens to your mind? Does it slow down? Do you think about anything besides your breathing? What happens when you give your thinking mind a break is you open up space for your higher spirit to communicate. Try doing this every morning and see what comes up for you.

Live in the present

Allow your life to unfold one moment at a time. Resist the urge to worry about the future or the past. You do not have control over any time but the present. Living in the present heightens your awareness of what’s possible now.

Be Grounded With the Earth

According to an article on HealthLine, “Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.”

Grounding is doing activities such as walking outside barefoot, submerging in water, or laying on the grass. Check out the article for more information.

Meditate and Pray

When you meditate or pray, you are opening up a direct line to your spiritual source. Your body, mind, and spirit are aware that you want to feel the connection, and you are actively making that connection. The hard part is waiting for or hearing the answers. This is a true test of faith.

how to be spiritual

Learn About Your Chakras

Chakras are energy points that control and energize your body’s vital organs, both physical and mental. The goal is to have all 7 of your chakras open and feel that direct connection to your Higher Spirit. Learn more about your chakras and what might be causing them to be blocked. I wrote 2 blog posts that might help—a Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners and 7 Ways to Open Your Chakras.

Take Care of Your Body

Your body is the vehicle you were given to live the adventure of life. When it is in good health, you will be happier and focus more on doing the things that bring you joy. So drink lots of water, eat well and move your body. You can also recite mantras or affirmations of good health and release them to the Universe for manifestation.

Be Kind to Others

In a world where we are becoming so divisive, acts of kindness can bring us together. Sharing love with others strengthens the idea that we are all part of the same Universe and all have the right to be our own unique selves. Kindness is key here because if being yourself includes hurting others along the way, that is now how to be spiritual.

Watch What Fills Your Mind

What are you listening to, reading, or watching? Pay attention and question those things that create doubt or negativity in your life. Only fill your mind with media that lifts you and encourages you to live your best life. Also, watch for songs, topics, or sayings that seem to keep repeating. They may be a message for you to pay attention to.

Create a Sacred Space

A sacred space is a little piece of your home you can claim as your own, make beautiful and use for your own personal reasons. One reason might be to have a quiet space to connect to your soul, reflect on your life, or meditate and pray. Even if you only have 3 minutes in the morning for your practice, know that it is enough.

Have a Daily Spiritual Practice

Pick a couple of things to do every morning or evening to connect with your higher spirit and make them routine. The more consistent you are, the faster they will become a habit. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Write Affirmations
  • Set an Intention
  • Read a spiritual book
  • Take a Walk
  • Yoga
  • Do Something Creative

Love Yourself

This is the most important way to have spiritual health. Make yourself a priority. When you take care of yourself and love yourself for who you are right now, you have more to give. It starts with you and knowing that the Universe unconditionally loves you. Hold on to that truth, and use it whenever you feel less than happy.

 “Many religions promise that if we make good choices in life, we’ll get invited to heaven in the afterlife. As I see it, spirituality is an invitation to heaven on Earth—and a spiritual practice is the doorway. Through devoting ourselves to practices that bring us the feeling of inner peace—like dance, meditation, prayer, journaling—we are cultivating our ability to access that place in challenging times.” Nisha Moodley, the founder of Global Sisterhood Day

I love that quote! Spirituality is important because it helps you experience heaven on earth. Life is not a training ground for heaven; love your life now, and make it as beautiful as possible.

How do you connect with your higher spirit? 



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