Have you ever been sitting in silence and hear a little voice inside you? Maybe it gives you insight into a new project or tells you to visit someone. You might not pay attention, because there is too much going on and the outside world is noisy. But that little voice is probably your soul trying to get your attention. You should listen to your soul.

The definition of the soul from Dictionary.com is “the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.”

When I think of the word “soul,” I think of the connection with God or Spirit. The part of me that knows what it’s like to be perfect. To be who I am meant to be.

As opposed to my ego (the physical part of me), that is constantly searching for how I can be better or liked or “perfect.”

I often try to communicate with my soul when I meditate or sit in silence. When I push the outside world away and be one with my spirit, it’s amazing the guidance you will receive.

I found an article I downloaded in 2015 on my computer the other day. It was “12 Truths Your Soul Wants You to Remember” by LJ Vanier.

As I read it, I thought it was such a good reminder about who we are and how the noise and distractions of the outside world can’t take that away.

I hope they help you find some peace and trust in knowing who you are.

12 Truths You Hear When You Listen to Your Soul

You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

“Your soul wants you to know that everything happens for a reason, and nothing happens by chance.”* There are no accidents or luck. Trust that you are experiencing what you need to move to where you are meant to be. For example, my mom passed away in 2002, which was horrible, but her death made me realize that I wasn’t living my best life. I needed to change my path and discover what I loved and what made me happy.

Everything is temporary.

Everything comes to an end—even pandemics. Feel and trust what this time in your life can offer and provide.



Everything you need is already within you.

You have the strength, love, courage, and compassion to achieve anything you want. You have to believe. Ask God for what you need and listen to what comes up. Look for signs throughout the day; you have to pay attention.

You’re OK, just as you are.

It’s common to think you have to be better, stronger, faster, smarter, and richer than others to be happy. But your soul is trying to tell you that you are OK just as you are. Find some acceptance and let go of the need to compare and transform yourself into someone else.

You and only you measure self-worth.

Let go of what you think others are expecting of you. Let go of seeking validation or approval. Your reputation is not in your control. That is other people seeking validation. Love yourself, and you won’t need to look to others for approval because you already have it.

When times get tough, change your perspective.

Life’s challenges are only a blip in time. Think about all of the times you were so worked up about something that wasn’t working in your life. What does that mean to you right now? Does it matter? Did it teach you something? Know that if you remain calm and do your best to get through it, you will come out stronger than before the challenge.

Live in the Present

If you are living in the moment, you can’t miss it.  You can’t wonder where time has gone, because you lived it! Living in the moment can make you feel less anxious and fearful because you aren’t worried about the future.  You can’t worry about things that probably won’t happen to you.  Take each moment and handle it at the time it happens. It also brings you closer to others because you are taking the time to actually connect.

Release Your Fears

Fear can hold you back from pursuing your dreams—fear of failure, rejection, or judgment. Most of the time, the result of the fear is part of your imagination. A way of worrying about the future: listen to what your soul is telling you about your fears. This quote is a good reminder.

“What you are afraid to do is a clear indication of the next thing you need to do.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Release your need for control.

You cannot control what others think, do, or feel. You can only control what you think, do, and feel. “Therefore, you must love without attachment, live without expectation, and perceive without judgment.”* Follow your own path doing what you love, and release yourself from the outcomes.


“Without acceptance, nothing can flourish. Accept all of life’s blessings and give gratitude for everything in return. A cycle of love that continues growing.”* By accepting all that is good and bad, you can stop using your energy to be a “perfect” human. Just be yourself and enjoy life.

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

If you feel negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, take a moment to center yourself and find out why. What is going on beneath the surface? What do I need to know to move through this? How can I move from these feelings to feelings of love, joy, and appreciation? Ask your soul, and help will arrive. The key is to pay attention when you need help.

You are never alone

You are never truly alone. Energy is always surrounding you. It can be called angels, guardians, God, or spirit. You only need to reach out, and they will hear you. The trick is to listen for the answer.

Here are a few tips to help you listen to your soul.

Once you start paying attention, you might be surprised at how often your soul is talking to you. Listen to your soul, and you may find that joy, peace, and love you have always been looking for a little faster.

What has your soul been telling you?

“You don’t have a soul; you are a soul. You have a body.” C.S. Lewis

*quotes taken from the article 12 Truths Your Soul Wants You to Remember by LJ Vanier

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